Thursday, October 13, 2011


Now that I have completed the Creation stage, it is time for me to evaluate my performance. I will do this by creating a survey on the effectiveness of the quiz. First, I will have the three sixth graders take the quiz for a total of four times. Then, I will create a small survey with a mini quiz based of the Design Cycle. After that, I will give it to the three recipients of my quiz at examine the results. The effectiveness of this quiz as a learning tool depends on how well they do on the survey.
I have rated myself a 5 on the Criterion F for the create and evaluate because I have been hard working and dedicated throughout this process. I have also been considerate of others during the stages, letting others tell me their opinions on the product and accepting their ideas as constructive critisism.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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