Sunday, November 13, 2011

Homework for 11/14/11

I looked up my name and found no hits of myself on the internet. People can create an appropriate digital footprint by communicating in a social but cautious manner. For example, while on social networking sites, it is not wise to give out all of your information. This creates and enormous digital footprint of information that other people can use to their advantage. Instead, people should know their limits and carefully sort through a comment before posting it in order to give out as little data as possible. This will lessen the impact of your digital footprint, and keep you safer in the long run.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

PSA PLAN worksheet

  1. What issue/ topic did you choose? Digital Rights and Responsibilities
  1. Why is this important? It is important to understand your rights in order to know when your rights are being violated and how to stop the instigators.
  1. Who do you want to reach? (target audience) I want to inform my classmates in 6A.
  1. What is the behavior your looking to change? I am looking to inform people on their Digital rights and responsibilities.
  1. Why doesn’t the audience already engage in this behavior? They either don't know their rights on the internet or do not adhere to their responsibilities.
  1. What emotional appeal can you make? I can create a feeling of anger and unfairness in the audience.
  1. Belonging; Power/Control; Fun: Safety; Your control of the internet.
  1. Put your audience in a situation/scenario where the issue would come up in their lives.
Someone has posted onto their blog their distaste of the government and what he would do differently if he was president. This comment is taken as a threat against the government and is taken down, and results in the man's arrest.
  1. Where are they? (setting) In the man's office, A government officials office, jail cell.
  1. Who is there? (characters) The man, government official, jailer
  1. What’s’ going on around them?  ( ambient sound) People are working and talking around the characters.
  1. What are they saying? (dialogue)
Man: Grrrrr... I am so angry with the way our government is run! I know! I'll post a complaint on my blog!
(Types in message saying the president should be killed and communism should be the law of the land.)
Government Official: Good Lord! This lunatic is trying to overthrow the government! I'll put a stop to that!
(Government Official goes and arrests man)
Man: What are you doing?! You can't do this to me! I have the right to freedom of speech!
  1. Who is message brought to you by? ( Station; organization)
Electronic Frontier Foundation

10 Facts On Digital Rights and Responsibilities

  1. People have the right to find out about their local officials running for a position in the government without any restrictions. Source
  2. We have the right to free and uncensored personal communication without governmental or other interventions. Source
  3. We have the right to not have our personal information taken public by the government or online businesses. Source
  4. We have the right to affordable and quality digital access. Source  
  5. Cyberbullying, sexting, being an online predator, and taking people's information on social sites are examples of violations of the Digital Rights and Responsibilities. Source
  6. Digital Censoring is a violation of these rights, no matter what is online. Source
  7. Adults are commonly given more rights than children are. Source
  8. It is actually proven that children with open access to the internet are safer because they can encounter the dangers themselves and learn to avoid them. Source
  9. There is no proof of Digital Rights being protected under the United States Government. Source
  10. Many websites do not adhere to the Digital Rights, restricting users right to freedom of speech or freedom of access. Source
I have finished researching the sources that will be needed to create my PSA. I have noticed that the main goal of my PSA will be to inform people on the issue rather than change a behavior. The next part of my project creation will be to plan out the video through a storyboard.

    Friday, November 4, 2011


    I have chosen to complete my project on Digital Rights and Responsibilities. From my research, I have found that this topic deals with the rights that all people have concerning the internet and technology, and the responsibilities that come with this power. This topic is extremely important to understand because if these rights are violated or if responsibilities are shirked, then many people could be affected by the mistake. Since I cannot change people's views on this topic, I will try my best to inform the public using a PSA video.

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Vocabulary For 10/24/11

    • Etiquette: Every person should know how to practice good etiquette.

    • Conduct: People who have bad conduct usually end up in jail.

    • Courtesy: Parents must teach their children common courtesy.

    • Flame: Many websites I have seen have had people flaming others through comments.

    • Troll: A lot of great information on the web has been downplayed because trolls have claimed the articles "fake."

    • Anonymous: Just because you are anonymous on the internet, does not mean that you have a right to be rude.

    • Emoticon: Many internet users now use emoticons to express their feelings.
    • Obvious: It was so obvious that he was lying about doing his homework.

    • Tone: By the tone of his voice, I could tell she was angry.
    • SMS: The SMS, or Systems Management Server, manages all of the PCs in a local area.

    • Ethical: Someone who does good deeds is considered an ethical person.

    • Unethical: Unfortunately, many people in today's society can be considered unethical.
    • Legal: Anything that is accepted by the law is legal.

    • Boolean Search: An example of a boolean search wouls be "decorating" and "catering."

    • URL: URLs can be helpful when citing resources for a project.

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    IA Part 2

    1) My learning of the design cycle will help the community by preparing me for the real world and all the obstacles I will have to overcome. It will give me a process to follow in order to complete assignments given to me during everyday activities such as jobs. Knowing this will help me to become a productive member of society, therefore helping the community as a whole. I could also share my knowledge with others to help the community.

    2) My future projects could become better if I would spend more time to go into details and improve on little mistakes that I might have done. I have noticed errors on my projects before, but felt that if I tried to fix it, the entire project could mess up. I could also try to come up with more creative ideas that would demonstrate the topic better. I feel that sometimes my ideas are not the best I can think up of, but I go through with them anyway. There are many things I can do to improve future projects, but I felt that those two were the most important out of them.

    3) From this project, I have learned that I am cautious and somewhat apprehensive when using the computer. I must get rid of that fear and try to accomplish more challenging things. I will do this because I want to be better than average, and go above and beyond in everything I do. I will also try to avoid procrastination and get things done earlier, while they are fresh in my mind. This is because sometimes I get sidetracked and actually forget to do the assigned task until I remember it the day before the assignment is due. I would like to avoid that and make my life less stressfull.

    4) I feel that my final product is an adequate learning tool that will be benificial to young audiences everywhere. For the Investigate Stage, I rate myself a 4. I was able to research two options and rate them on a rubric of my design. I did not grade myself higher because I felt that the rubric I created did not cover all of the criterion that should have been covered. In the Design stage, I gave myself a 5. I created three designs, and made a specific design specification. I made sure to cover all the bases and choose the right design from those points. The reason I didn't score myself higher was because there might have been more points I could have added to better my design specification. On the Plan stage, I gave myself a 4. This is because, while my plan was straightforward and easy to follow, it was very vague. This made it easy to get sidetracked. For the Create stage, I gave myself a 5. I was focused and was able to create a quality product that was within my time limit. I worked hard to make sure it was a professionally made quiz and not a poor product. It turned out just as I hoped it would, except for one thing. It was a tad bit confusing to answer, but I explained this to my recipients. On the Evaluate stage, I gave myself a 4. While the survey I made was simple and related to the topic, I wasn't sure if I gave the kids the questions that they would remember from taking my quiz. I didn't want for them to get the survey wrong because they couldn't remember the question. Finally, on Attitudes in Technology, I would rate myself a 5 because I was constantly motivated and dedicated to completing the project to the best of my ability.

    5) If I could do my planning differently, I would make the plan more detailed in order to know exactly what I'm doing at a certain time. I would also put more emphasis on the time, in order to not get so distracted and focus on the task at hand. I would make sure to put due dates in my planner and mark them so as to notice them better. As for the execution, I would not change a thing. I felt I was efficient and motivated during the creation of my product, and I was able to finish it with time to spare.

    Thursday, October 13, 2011


    Now that I have completed the Creation stage, it is time for me to evaluate my performance. I will do this by creating a survey on the effectiveness of the quiz. First, I will have the three sixth graders take the quiz for a total of four times. Then, I will create a small survey with a mini quiz based of the Design Cycle. After that, I will give it to the three recipients of my quiz at examine the results. The effectiveness of this quiz as a learning tool depends on how well they do on the survey.
    I have rated myself a 5 on the Criterion F for the create and evaluate because I have been hard working and dedicated throughout this process. I have also been considerate of others during the stages, letting others tell me their opinions on the product and accepting their ideas as constructive critisism.

    Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

    Friday, October 7, 2011


                                         1) Pick a layout

                                        2) Choose and upload the background

                                      3) Start forming questions

                                      4) Upload the questions

                                      5) Publish the quiz
    Create Reflection:
    I decided to give myself a 5 on this stage because I was able to create a quality product that met all of the requirements on the design specification. I was also able to document my progress through the use of pictures illustrating the steps taken. The reason I did not rate myself higher is because I felt the quiz was a little bit difficult to answer. But I will explain this to my recipients.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    Gantt Chart

    The total number of minutes required to finish this product is 235, which divided by 60 equals about 4 hours. 

    Day 1 (10/4): Choose layout 
    Day 1 (10/4): Choose Background
    Day 2 (10/5): Upload Background
    Day 2 (10/5): Compose questions
    Day 3 (10/6): Upload questions
    Day 3 (10/6): Create actual quiz
    Day 4 (10/7): Survey three 6th graders
    Day 5 (10/9): Evaluate based on results

    Plan Reflection
    On this stage of the design cycle, I will give myself a 4. I was able to choose three designs and pick the  one that best follows the design specification. I was able to create a plan that was simple to understand, and form a Gantt Chart to illustrate the plan. I did not rate myself any higher because I felt that the plan was too vague, making it easy to get distracted with other things.  

    Investigation Reflection

    After the completion of this part of the Design Cycle, I have decided to give myself a 5 from Criteria A. I have given myself this grade because I believe that I was able to describe my problem and its solution thoroughly and effectively. I also described the sources that I choose to test and critically evaluated the applications to a rubric that I created using variables I thought were the most important. The only reason I did not give myself a higher grade is because my design brief and design specification are not very detailed in the description. I know that I probably could have done better in describing my plans for the design. But though the posts are not the best they could be, I still tried to critically evaluate my ideas to the design specification. Therefore I am positive I deserve a 5.

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    Design Specification for Purpose Games Application

    1. Must be at least two minutes long
    2. Must be simple to understand for a 6th grade student
    3. Must be simple to create
    4. Must be done within the time period
    5. It has to have an average of 15 questions
    6. The questions must be challenging to the player, not overly easy
    7. The questions must pertain to the topic
    8. The background of the quiz must pertain to the topic
    9. The quiz must not last more than 2 minutes
    10. The quiz should be enjoyable to complete
    I could test my quiz game by:

    1. Creating a survey that includes the players scores and their opinion of the game
    2. Creating a separate test and evaluating how good their test scores are in relation to how effective the quiz game was
    3. Collecting the scores from each player and calculating the average (80% is needed to deem this project successful)   

    Thursday, September 22, 2011


    Design Brief
    10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
    I am going to make a quiz game from the website Purpose Games based on my results from the investigation stage. I am making it because it got the highest score in my investigation, a 17. I will be creating it for a study tool for a sixth grade student. 
    Formulate a Design Specification
    11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
    The requirement is to create a two minute presentation of a product that would teach a sixth grader the Design Cycle.
    12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
    The presentation will only be two minutes long, and the application only has a total of two layouts to use.
    13. How will you "test" your presentation?
    I will test this product by creating a survey on the quality of the product and giving it to the recipients of the quiz. I will make three surveys in all.  

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011


    The two applications that I decided to test were the Purpose Games application and the Comic Master application. I will be testing them by the following criteria: Simplicity, Effectiveness, Creativity, and Availability on a scale of 1-5.

    Purpose Games Application (













    Comic Master Application (












      For Purpose Games, Simplicity was by far the easiest criteria to score. From my research, I was able to note that the program has a fool-proof guideline that literally walks you through each and every step of the design of the game. All it makes you do is log in, and follow the instructions on the screen. This is very handy, since I tend to foul up if something is far too complicated to understand. Overall, I gave the Purpose Games application a 4 in Simplicity. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 is because the instructions are simple, but I still might make a mistake if I don't pay attention to what I'm doing. To get a 5 in this category, the program would have to be so simple that anybody could complete it without making a single error.
      The Comic Masters application was a different story, though. I gave this program a 2 in Simplicity because it is far more complicated than creating a quiz game. For one, you must start everything from scratch, even the layout of the pages and the location of the backgrounds. You also have to create an effective storyline that discusses your topic entirely. I am not quite that creative, so that would be difficult for me. All in all, the complexity of creating a comic on the computer is great, and I would not do very well in that kind of situation. The only reason I did not score this application lower is that I am very sure that another person could do this without any sort of complications.
      Effectiveness was the most important variable in the investigation, because the whole purpose of the project is to be able to teach a 6th grader what the Design Cycle is based on our product. I gave the Purpose Games a 5 because it s by far one of the best ways to teach a child a new topic. With a game, you can do it over and over, and learn from your mistakes, until you fully understand it. I take sample quizzes all the time in order to ready myself for a test or learn a new topic. This high opinion of the method is the reason I gave this application such a high grade.

      I decided to give the Comic Masters application a 4 because while it can be a useful tool, I am not partial to the method. I don't beleive that just reading about it and visualizing it can help you to fully understand a topic. I think it's better if you can practice it and memorize it through repetition. This is only an opinion, because I am sure that other people are learning their best when they can visualize it topic in their mind's eye. But unfortunately, my views on how I learn control my decision making, and the Comic Masters program will get a lower score.

      The most straightforward reason I can give for giving the Purpose Games a low 3 as a score in Creativity is simply because a quiz game is not that creative. There are no music features or font choices or colorful visuals to keep someone entertained. It's pretty much just a  small test. And I understand that nobody acn be entertained by a test. The only reason I did not score it lower is that there are choices on how you can format your game and how you can score it. But other than that, no creativity whatsoever when it comes to the Purpose Game program.

      Now, the Comic Masters application does deserve a 4 in this category because of its array of choices. You have the liberty of creating your own scenes, situations, and character interactions. It gives you components that you can work with, including already made characters in pre designed poses. Also, the idea of teaching someone using this method is quite unheard of, at least from my perspective. The only issue is that, while it has choices, it does not have as many choices as I would like it to. I feel it constricts you to certain things instead of letting you be completely free in your creation. This is the reason I did not go any higher with my scoring.

      In Availability, I gave the Purpose Games program a 5 because of the simplicity involved with finding it online. All you would really have to do is look up the website, log in, and search the name of the quiz. There is almost no complications involved. A person would just have to search the name of the website, and not have to type in five different key words trying to find one website. This is important because if a product is hard to find, people will be less likely to use it. Of course, as it is a fact that humans are not perfect, there can be some issues, such as forgetting the website, or forgetting your password.

      I gave the Comic Masters program a 3 because there would have to be more steps in actually finding the product. First, the website only offers the actual comic book maker, and not an application for reading the previously finished products. Since this is the case, I would have to create a link of some sort on my blog in order to make the product public to all viewers. This would be an added inconvinience to the person trying to use the product, only because now they would have to find my blog, then find the post with the link attached to it. Though it wouldn't be that much of an issue to me, I understand that some people cannot bear to lift even a finger in an effort to find the product. So, I gave this product a low score.

      In conclusion, the Purpose Games application is the best choice for me. It's simple, effective, and is very easy to find online. While it is not creative, that is not the angle I was striving to reach for. Creativity cannot always teach. I gave this application 17 points. The Comic Masters program, although imaginative and different, is not the most useful tool in demonstrating a new topic. This is why I did not pick this progam. I scored this program a 13.

    Monday, September 12, 2011

    Design Folder

     Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
    Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
    Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
    INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
    1. What is the problem you need to solve? Explain to a 6th grader what the design cycle is all about by creating a presentation. (3d, PPT, movie, game, Poster)
    2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world? It can be used to solve everyday problems, such as assignments given to you at your job.
    3. How will this project serve my community? This project can help the community by being an available tool of learning in case somebody does not understand the design cycle.
    4. How can my learning help my community? If I can successfully learn about the design cycle, I can be a productive citizen in society.
    5. How do we live in relation to each other? All grades are together in one campus.
    6. How does this help others? This means that younger kids will be able to use this product and be able to earn about the design cycle.
    7. What are the requirements for this assignment? We must be able to create a two minute presentation that demonstrates a stage of the design cycle that a 6th grader would understand.
    8. What is the Design Cycle? The design cycle is a set of processes that help you to solve problems and create new products.
    REFLECT on your learning.
    Day 2
    9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:
    Day 3
    Design Brief
    10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
    Formulate a Design Specification
    11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
    12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
    13. How will you "test" your presentation?
    14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
    IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
    15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
    16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
    17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
    story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
    18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
    REFLECT on your learning
    20. How could you improve your presentation?
    21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
    22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
    23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
    24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
    25. How can my learning help my community?
    26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

    27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
    28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)