Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Facts On Digital Rights and Responsibilities

  1. People have the right to find out about their local officials running for a position in the government without any restrictions. Source
  2. We have the right to free and uncensored personal communication without governmental or other interventions. Source
  3. We have the right to not have our personal information taken public by the government or online businesses. Source
  4. We have the right to affordable and quality digital access. Source  
  5. Cyberbullying, sexting, being an online predator, and taking people's information on social sites are examples of violations of the Digital Rights and Responsibilities. Source
  6. Digital Censoring is a violation of these rights, no matter what is online. Source
  7. Adults are commonly given more rights than children are. Source
  8. It is actually proven that children with open access to the internet are safer because they can encounter the dangers themselves and learn to avoid them. Source
  9. There is no proof of Digital Rights being protected under the United States Government. Source
  10. Many websites do not adhere to the Digital Rights, restricting users right to freedom of speech or freedom of access. Source
I have finished researching the sources that will be needed to create my PSA. I have noticed that the main goal of my PSA will be to inform people on the issue rather than change a behavior. The next part of my project creation will be to plan out the video through a storyboard.

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